Saturday, May 30, 2009

Go fOr MoViE^^bY BiKe

I Like to watch movie at night.
Because i dun like HOT WEATHER,
and i dun like TRAFFIC JAM.
Most of the time i go with my BOY,
but this time...

not only TWo of us...We got FOUR plus me^^

We parked our motor here...
As everyone parked their motor here, so definetely we parked here^^

That night, we watched X-men at pavilion.

Ha...Guess where is it?? This is the next destination after our movie.

My first time being there...PADANG MERDEKA.

This is the photo that i like the MOST that we snap that night.

NICE angle, NICE scene...

with my NICE sister, Hannah, the pretty girl.

That night........We play until........???am...

but i enjoy the time with them.

Travelling around by bike is pretty nice...but ONLY at NIGHT^^

Saturday, May 16, 2009

CeLeBrAtInG MoThEr'S DaY WiTh SuNdAy ScHooL KiDs

Mother's Day is a meaningful celebration for me.
Although i cant celebrate this day with my mummy,
i still want to thanks my mummy~
without u, without me today~

Mummy, i love u..

Since i started to teach kids in my church,
i just is not an easy job to teach a kid..

especially teaching the hyperactive kids...haha...

HOWEVER it is really fun to be with them always.

Doing handmake craft- NECKLACE for our mummy

all the kids enjoy in doing necklace with SWEETS.


DONE with our necklace:)

CHEERS! Happy Mother's Day To ALL MUMMY in this world.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

WeLcOmE To My nEw BlOg

Starting from MAY, i will be using blogspot to write my blog. 

Guess who is in the photo..
YAYA...That's me..Wee...
My boy is the one to snap this photo for me..hehe..
NOT bad...

THat's my boy..showing his COOL face in this HOT environment.
He is the one teaching me...escape from the DINASOUR generation.

Ya..i m from dinasour generation..