Thursday, February 7, 2013

It's Time

It's time
Time to go home
Time for Chinese New Year. Should be Happyyyyy~jz..
I cried today at my working place 
Stupid me..Slapped myself >.<

Complicated feeling Indescribable mood  
Gonna hug my bear pretty tight tonight again.=)
Close my eyes and rest well. Everything will be ok. Wink.>.*
HOME is always the best place to make me feel peaceful. Going home tomorrow.

Just got some message from special one at this moment.

Thank you, and i do jotted it down.

Everything will be ok,
Tomorrow Sun still shine =)

Home...I'm Coming.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love, Honor, Cherish

Time flies
People grow, people come and go
And all along the way
Things that we get to learn is all about... 
Love, Honor and Cherish

Love, Honor and Cherish
Such a beautiful words
Strong words that filled with powerful meaning
In every relationship, every situation
There is always room for improvement

Every single word has many different definitions
Always kept those definition in our mind
Actively used in our relationship
Surely everyone turn to be happier

Someone told me
A person that really love never leave
And saying out 'love' isn't always enough
As it comes along with honor and cherish

I will always keep this in mind
God is Love
And the important lesson that HE wants me to learn on earth
Is how to love

Saying out loving someone when we really meant it
Otherwise keep it to yourself =)