Wednesday, November 11, 2009

BuKit TinGgi TrIp

Friends are always my treasure in my life
Without them, my life will be dull and colourless

All my friends are special for me
Our love for each other
Make us grow, draw us close

I will never forget all the memory between friends
Friendship needs no words
Once friendship started, it can hardly stop...

You guys will always in my heart^^
and not only in mind...


  1. 这是我们的回忆!我珍惜!还是老话一句,去哪里玩不重要,重点是跟谁去。。很感动!你把我们的回忆化成video,这样我们就永远不会忘记了!罗密欧和朱丽叶的爱情故事,变成了我们几个友情的见证!。。这何尝不是一个感人的“友情故事”呢? 你真棒!加油!友谊万岁!
