The night before chap goh meh, Jennifer, Chong li and I were thinking hard to solve a typical case that almost faced by every students -DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EAT AND WHERE TO EAT FOR DINNER
No parents around, sometimes really don't know what to eat and where to eat. At this moment, i sure miss my mummy's home cook so.... much. But somehow, i have to learn to be more independent without mummy at my side.
So....i also joined in thinking hard to solve the typical case for that night.
Finally, we decided to ride on our POWERFUL transport for 10 minutes to go to eat chicken rice. See, they were having chicken rice in their mind^^. Although having no mummy at my side, i still have my friends here. Chong li and Jennifer were accompanying me for dinner on that night.
Oops, forgot to introduce Jennifer:P. Jennifer, is my another housemate in Kampar. She is so pretty and nice~Apart from that...She can ride on her powerful transport faster than chong li and I..Wee~
See...the delicious chicken rice that we had for that night before chap goh meh. It is nice. Thumbs up!!! Yummy~
i had super good dinner!