Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thanks giving

Every week is my exam week after my New Year break. No time for me to slack. I do wish I can become a super-intelligent girl, so that i will not feel so tension. @.@ However...

Everyday is still my thanks giving day. NO matter how hard, how suffer, how stress i m , I can still feel the love surrounded me.

My housemates always take good care of me. When i fall sick, they look after me. When i m hungry, they cook for me. They even boiled drinking water for me.^^How sweet~ I never expect much in my new environment. But all these actions make me surprise, and i can feel the love filling my home^^

The most happiest thing, thanks God for guiding me in my studies. This is the marks that i gain in one of my small test^^ I m satisfy with the marks and the star~~ I always believe, if i try my best and my God will do the rest^^