Friday, June 18, 2010


Dumpling Day without dumplings. Doh` I can tell, i love dumplings very much. Since i was young, mummy always bought dumplings for me. And she knows...i will miss dumplings again especially during Dumpling Day. Unfortunately, i can't found any at my place pity..i miss my mummy a lot. T.T...Actually i did pray to get one dumpling.

God..My Lord, he listened to my prayer. What a surprise for me^^. I received dumplings when i went to school just the day after Dumpling Day. I got two, one is mine, and another one is for my sweet room mate, yee wei. A warm dumplings from my coursemate, Pey Zi. Touch~Warm~

No doubt, this is the only dumpling that i ate to celebrate Dumplings Day. Thank you Lord, thank you Pey Zi.^^
Dumplings our dinner for our lovely night. I still enjoy the only dumpling. Dumplings reminds me of my family. I miss the time we ate dumplings together. I miss home now...home sick` :P

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